and this is my x press ion
i am neekubee


hello, i am nikko bejino bonganay • a civil engineer • a productivity-systems enthusiast • artistic • infrastructure-nature picture-taker • an entrepreneur who has yet to have products and services • opinionated on media-entertainment • principle-oriented • you can follow me on my socials
this website aims to
showcase my skills and
eventually provide value to you




After trying famous website builders and web hosting services, I decided to choose this app to help me realize my internet presence

A recent find that helps me maintain a daily journal and keep all my projects in check

This app holds uncertain (unscheduled) but important tasks for the future I envision

Chrome, YouTube, YouTube Music, Drive, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Gmail, Photos, Maps, Search Engine, Meet, Messages, Android


”But unless you deal with the heart-and-head issues behind your clutter, you will not be prepared to make the hard decisions to get yourself out of the mountain of things weighing you down”
Clutter Free by Kathi Lipp
”People who rarely interacted with one another just as rarely had a relationship of trust. But looking into another person’s eyes allowed you to judge, to some extent, whether or not they could be trusted”
Classroom of the Elite Vol. 10 by Syougo Kinugasa
”Because happiness is brief, and history is lasting, and in the end, everyone wants to be remembered”
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab


city engineering office of tabaco social media and internet presence / by-contract projects in tabaco city /
x press ion website / social media presence /
travel all regions in the philippines, the world / home repair and improvement / mobile games / social events /

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